
Showing posts from November, 2016


身在新加坡的我,可能是因爲環境的關係,又或者因爲有姐姐的關係~ 所以很在意很在意自己的妝容~ 可是有時候還好啦,就比較懶惰的時候~不會畵眼綫了~ 我的妝容=普普通通 最重要的是膚色和眼睛~我的嘴巴比較少理會~也比較暗沉! 有沒有人知道要如何解救暗沉的嘴唇呢? 對了,最近試了一款美瞳的隱性眼睛!MAXIM(來自韓國牌子) 很舒服!不像那種透明的會比較厚~ 這款比較薄~我是托我同事在馬來西亞幫我購買的~ 這個是cocoa顔色(Maxim bluebox 14mm) 皮膚是用一款H+ Healing Cushion,是否感覺到有發亮呢?這個Cushion包含著保養品成分!而且不含礦物油~看到有人介紹的時候,真的當天就在qoo訂購了!!真的有這樣誇張~因爲剛好我在找防曬的~這個出現的正是時候嘛! 這款眼綫筆也不錯噢!~不會smudge得很厲害,就是美咖eyeliner(可以在sasa找到).

SANA Power Style Mascara

I've done some research regarding waterproof mascara which is not only waterproof but also can be smudge proof? Sometimes I will put some eyeliner and mascara only for my daily make up which is very simple. So, I've been searching for some mascara that won't smudge! You know, for the weather in Singapore, it is really HOT and HUMID which same as Malaysia. I don't wish to become a panda after a few hours later. I understand that everyone wish to have a clear eyes after a whole day. So, I've asked my bro help me bought this from Taiwan. Yea, cause I cant find it in Singapore yet. SANA Power Style Mascara Which look like this. Not hard to put it on, and it will make my lashes become longer. (My lashes are very little but personally think quite long) So, here's the photo is after I return home after 12 hours later? As you see, It really claim as what it is? Can't really see panda eyes right? But I do notice that it will smudge a little bit?...